Authors:: Agnieszka Jasińska, Małgorzata Waliszko
"O Polsce po polsku" is a collection of 15 posters prepared for people who start their adventure with Polish as a foreign language. It is the first teaching aid on the market designed for developing both communication and culture competence on this level.
Each poster presents a certain aspect of Polish culture together with a language exercise. It also shows Poland against the background of European heritage. On the posters there is information about influences of other traditions upon the language, historical buildings, intellectual life and everyday reality. The vocabulary and skills exercises (mainly speaking exercises) included in this work are based on the catalogue of intentions and concepts and on the communication functions defined in it. Visual materials are completed with a brief teaching guidance which makes the exploration of cultural content and communication potential of the posters easier for the teacher.
Our aids are suitable even for beginners! Teaching guidance refers mainly to A1 and A2 levels. Upper levels are mentioned briefly. Advanced learners do not find the exercises difficult so they do not need precise instructions. The exercises focus on communication although some tips contain suggestions of grammar issues. It is supposed to show the teachers how to use the materials in various manners.
While testing the materials we came to a significant conclusion. It turns out that some interest in Polish culture makes learning the language easier even at the basic level. It helps overcome the language barrier and start speaking Polish from the very beginning.
Each poster was designed as a language task presenting certain aspect of Polish culture or Polish reality. It shows how deeply Poland is rooted in European tradition both culturally and linguistically.
The posters encourage interesting and non-standard conversations. Customs, everyday life, social organization, science, material and artistic culture inspire real discussions. Even standard illustrations for the lessons hide some language surprises.
The posters were designed for A1 and A2 language courses. It is based both on the catalogue of intentions and concepts and communication functions attributed to various levels. They can be mainly used to improve speaking skill and to develop vocabulary. Various types of exercises, from comics to maps, help acquire communication and cultural competence.
Each poster contains a brief teaching guidance and suggestions of various exercises suitable for a particular level. There are also additional exercises for higher levels.
The posters can be an indispensible help for both teaching children and adults who learn Polish as a foreign language. Their form is attractive and they are easy to use. They boost speaking activities, develop interest in Poland and its culture and provoke exchanging opinions and observations. In other words, they are educational but not boring.
What kind of posters can be found in the “O Polsce po polsku” file?
- Alphabet
- False friends
- Officially or unofficially
- Population of Poland
- Culinary map of Poland
- Eponyms - who accompanies us during our everyday routine
- In the past and nowadays
- Foreign prefixes and suffixes in the language
- What is worth seeing in Poland
- Rebuses/puzzles
- The traces of other nations in Poland
- Polish people abroad
- The most, one of the most, one and only Polish women
- What we celebrate
- If I were born …
- Bonus - teaching guidance for each poster
Product details
15 posters with teaching guidance
A1 size, coated paper, full colour, A4 size file
Sample posters