

Agnieszka Jasińska prezentacja

      My name is Agnieszka Jasińska. I work at the Uniwersytecie Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowiewhere I teach teaching method of Polish as a foreign language and I run Polish courses for foreigners. I am a co-author of many course books and teaching aids, among which the most important are „Hurra Po polsku 2” and „Hurra Po polsku 3”I also wrote a textbook for learning a language in a business environment „Polski w pracy” and a collection of posters „O Polsce po polsku”. The latter allow you to combine learning about culture and Polish reality with language tasks in a pleasant way. My latest publications are „Połącz kropki” i.e. grammar in exercises for levels A2-B1 and „Postaw kropkę” and „Postaw kropkę2” Polish culture in communication and developing skills of speaking, writing and mediation.

   Jako adiunkt w Pracowni Języka Polskiego Jako Obcego przy Instytucie Filologii Polskiej Uniwersytetu Komisji Edukacji Narodowej mam na swoim koncie wiele publikacji naukowych i popularnonaukowych. Głównie z zakresu metodyki nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego, gramatyki, zagadnień dotyczących dwujęzyczności, wielojęzyczności i szeroko pojętej interkultury.

Since 2020, I have been running open methodological webinars for teachers of Polish as a foreign and second language. They are all saved on canal Polski i kropka on YouTube. I invite the best specialists in our field to cooperation.

I am also invited by Polish and foreign institutions to conduct training courses for teachers of Polish as a foreign and second language. I had the pleasure of working with the Association of Polish Language Teachers in Germany, the Polish Educational Society in Great Britain, as well as the National Agency for Academic Exchange, the Radom Teacher Training Center and the Education Board of Mazovia. I conducted trainings on teaching adults and children, teaching in a business and academic environment.

    I used to teach French and Italian because I completed the university course of Romance languages. I speak French, Italian and English fluently, and my Serbian and Croatian are pretty good. My passion are languages, literature and travelling. I am also a connoisseur of good wine. In my opinion similarities among people are much more common than differences, language and culture can work as a proof.

       On my website I want to share my experiences connected with teaching Polish as a foreign language and generally I want to write about everything connected with languages. I would love to get to know your stories connected with the subject.

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